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Middle School Math News

Always free
August 19, 2024

"The only thing complaining does is convince people you are not in control."

IXL questions answered this year so far: 0



Upcoming ILS Events

August 19th-First Day of Preschool

August 22: K-8 Picture Day

August 30th-No School (Teacher PD)

September 2nd-No School (Labor Day)


Useful Links

Google Classroom

Online Math Book

Church and School Website

Sign up for the Eagle Weekly here.

Join the class Facebook page for Exclusive Content:

My You-tube Page:

Hello 6th - 8th grade families!

Welcome back!!!

​Welcome the official ILSW math news/website. Here you will find everything your child needs for middle school math success. You will hear about test announcements, due dates, how we plan to review, and what we are learning about. I will always keep important links, dates for important events, and any important school or class information. Below are the details for each class. There is a lot of general information and math help on this site too. If you click on "Navigate" above you can go to each grade's page and access the day's class notes. 

We will always review for exams for at least three days, and practice in multiple different ways.

Each class was given access to the online textbook and completed a scavenger hunt so they could become familiar with some of the features of the online book.

Join the iNews: Eagle Weekly email list (will be emailed directly each week)


This week's current issue

Other Reminders:

Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all on the first page of their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often. Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom:

Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at, or on our Facebook page. 

Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, email, and math textbook codes.

All class notes can be found on this website. I added links down below in the class notes. 

Class notes

6th Grade

This Week:  

We will be kicking off another amazing year of learning, and song, and math, and fun. We will start off with Chapter 3, Computing Multi-digit Numbers. First quarter of 6th grade is an in-depth review of all the major concepts learned in elementary school. It's a chance to reach mastery of concepts especially long division, and multiplying fractions and decimals. 

What are we learning?: How things will work this year. Why is place value so important?

  • Monday: Adding Multi-digit Numbers

  • Tuesday: 3-1 Adding and Subtracting Decimals pg177

  • Wednesday: 3-1 Adding Distances on a Map

  • Thursday: 3-3 Multiply Whole Numbers by Decimals pg193

  • Friday: 3-4 Multiply Decimals by Decimals pg201

6th Grade Class Notes can be found here.

7th Grade

This Week:  


Welcome to PRE-ALGEBRA! This year students will focus on the building blocks of Algebra. We will start off with the language of algebra, then move quickly into operations with negative numbers. We will develop this skill over the entire year. Most students need a year before they are really comfortable with dealing with negatives, so we will make sure they are patient and not discouraged. We will also noticed (very subtly) that proportional relationships are hiding in much of the math we will study this year. Real-world studies this year will heavily focus on business and finance. It's an exciting time :)

What are we learning?: How things will work this year. What is the language of algebra? 

  • Monday: Intro to Delta Math and prerequisite practice

  • Tuesday: 1-3 Variables and Expressions pg13

  • Wednesday: 1-3 Variables and Expressions pg13

  • Thursday: 1-4 Properties of Numbers pg19

  • Friday: 1-6 Ordered Pairs and Relations pg31

7th Grade Class Notes can be found here.


8th Grade

This Week:  

Welcome to ALGEBRA made it! ​This is a high school level math class that focuses on Functions. Students who successfully complete this course will have many opportunities presented to them as they begin their journey through high school. If anything I will have them over-prepared. Some will qualify for Geometry next year, opening up a path to advanced math and possibly college courses by the time they are upper class-men. This year we will again explore how math relates to other disciplines particularly science. This week we will be focusing on how to properly use the TI-30 calculator and explore many of it's advanced functions. 

What are we learning?: How things will work this year. What are Functions and why are they useful and to whom?

  • Monday: 0.4: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

  • Tuesday: 0.5: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

  • Wednesday: Translating Expressions / Order of Operations

  • Thursday: Properties, factors, & Multiples

  • Friday: 1-2 Order of Operations

8th Grade Class Notes can be found here.


8th graders trying to use the force to make me give them the answers.


Me, calling for my lost SmartBoard Pen. 

Have a great week!   ~ Rich Wuebbels


So, you talked throughout the lesson and now your math doesn't math.


Other Reminders:

Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all on the first page of their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often. Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom:

IXL grading is a little different from other assignments. A 90% "smart score" in IXL is equivalent to 100% in FastDirect. Anything over a 90% is worth up to one bonus point...they add up so I encourage students to try it (especially on the easier assignments).   

Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at, or on our Facebook page. 

Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, rocket math, email, and math textbook codes.

© 2024 by Rich Wuebbels, Math Teacher. Proudly created with

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