Middle School Math News
Always free
December 16, 2024

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 40:31
IXL questions answered this year so far: 59,567
Upcoming ILS Events
December 17th and 19th: 8th grade finals-noon dismissal (8th graders only)
December 20th: Early Dismissal Day PS - 8th Grade; End of 2nd Quarter
December 23rd - January 5th: No School - Christmas Break
January 6th: Start of 3rd Quarter
January 20th: No School- MLK Day
January 27-31: NWEA Testing (K-8)
February 4: Mid-Quarter
February 14: No School-Teacher In-Service/PD
February 17: No School-President's Day
Useful Links
Google Classroom
Online Math Book
Church and School Website
Sign up for the Eagle Weekly here.
Join the class Facebook page for Exclusive Content: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilsmath
My You-tube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/warriorwuebbels/featured
Hello 6th - 8th grade families!
Happy last week before Christmas break!
The last day of the quarter is Friday. If there is any missing work it must be turned in my Thursday to receive credit.
Thank you student council members for working so hard on this year's candy-gram sales. We sold over 2500 candy canes! Apparently kids like candy. We will be delivering this week. With the money made we are able to purchase lots of goodies and party supplies for our middle school Christmas party, which will be after chapel on Dec 20th.
There is no Wednesday morning chapel this week. We will have our Christmas Chapel on Friday at 8:30 a.m. Also, please remember that if you are a visitor at chapel, we have reserved our entire balcony for visitor seating.
Upcoming No School/Early Dismissal Days:
- 8th grade finals will take place on December 17th & 19th, and 8th graders only will be dismissed at noon on those days.
- December 20th: Dismissal is at 11:50am for K-8th Grade.
Campus Stuff:
If you are without a church home, please consider attending Immanuel.
Our services are:
Saturday Night: 5:00 p.m.
*Sunday, December 22nd and Sunday December 29th, there will only be two services which will be held at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning bible studies and Sunday School will be on break these two weeks and will resume after the holidays on Sunday, January 5th.
Advent Services:
December 18th- Choir and Advanced Band (3:45 p.m. & 6:45 p.m. Student participation is at the 6:45 p.m. service.)
Join the iNews: Eagle Weekly email list (will be emailed directly each week)
Other Reminders:
Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all in their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often (especially email). Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/qoOe3ir5iqQ
Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-agaQWl4BGu9bEAh1TbgQ, or on our Facebook page.
Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, email, and math textbook codes.
All class notes can be found on this website. I added links down below in the class notes.

This Week in 6th Grade
These 6th graders have come so far!!! I was a little worried at first as many had to catch up with missing basic math skills. We practiced hard and it paid off. I truly believe hard work is the secret to success in all areas of life. The class average on the test was 93%. Way to go 6th grade!!! This week we are working on a big coordinate plane project. It will be due Wednesday at the end of class and be worth 60 points.
What are we learning?: What are integers? They are whole numbers, their opposites, and zero. How are negative numbers possible and what do they mean?
Monday: Graphing Project (60 points)
Tuesday: Graphing Project (60 points)
Wednesday: Graphing Project (60 points)
Thursday: Year-in-review so far
Friday: No class
This Week in 7th Grade
Some need to finish the test so I will grade them as soon as everyone is done. This week we will be watching "It's a Wonderful Life". George Bailey runs a building and loan business and many of the concepts we learned this chapter are shown in the movie. With its Christian messages, historical reference and Christmas theme, it's a great way to celebrate the end of a successful semester.
What are we learning?: How do businesses and smart consumers use math?
Monday: Finish Test / It's a Wonderful Life
Tuesday: It's a Wonderful Life
Wednesday: It's a Wonderful Life
Thursday: It's a Wonderful Life
Friday: No Class

This Week in 8th Grade
The final exam for math is Tuesday morning at 8:30. Students are allowed to use one 4 x 6 (max) notecard. We have been reviewing for several days. The worksheet is due Monday, and the Quizizz are due Tuesday morning. There are 42 questions covering all the basic concepts that we have learned this semester. The exam will be worth 10% of their second quarter grade. These kids are hard working and have been trained well....it's going to go great!
What are we learning?: How to solve linear functions.
Monday: Final exam review
Tuesday: Semester 1 Final Exam
Wednesday: Prepare for other finals
Thursday: Final exams
Friday: No Class

8th graders trying to use the force to make me give them all the answers on the final.

Me, calling for my lost SmartBoard Pen.
Have a great week and Merry Christmas! ~ Rich Wuebbels

So, you talked throughout the lesson and now your math doesn't math.
Other Reminders:
Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all on the first page of their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often. Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/qoOe3ir5iqQ
IXL grading is a little different from other assignments. A 90% "smart score" in IXL is equivalent to 100% in FastDirect. Anything over a 90% is worth up to one bonus point...they add up so I encourage students to try it (especially on the easier assignments).
Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-agaQWl4BGu9bEAh1TbgQ, or on our Facebook page.
Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, rocket math, email, and math textbook codes.