Middle School Math News
Always free
January 12, 2025

Math is sort of like being a magician. You mumble to yourself, while solving problems and other people have no idea what you're doing.
IXL questions answered this year so far: 60,160
Upcoming ILS Events
January 20th: No School- MLK Day
January 27-31: NWEA Testing (K-8)
February 4: Mid-Quarter
February 14: No School-Teacher In-Service/PD
February 17: No School-President's Day
Useful Links
Google Classroom
Online Math Book
Church and School Website
Sign up for the Eagle Weekly here.
Join the class Facebook page for Exclusive Content: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilsmath
My You-tube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/warriorwuebbels/featured
Hello 6th - 8th grade families!
Last week was crazy and I feel like this is welcome to third quarter 2.0, LOL.
No tests this week but the first chapters of third quarter are very short.
6th Grade is currently in the Geometry Unit
7th Grade has begun Algebra
8th Grade is doing Systems of Equations
See below for class details of what we are learning this week.
Campus Stuff:
If you are without a church home, please consider attending Immanuel.
Please join us for worship!
Our services are:
Saturday Night: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Join the iNews: Eagle Weekly email list (will be emailed directly each week)
Other Reminders:
Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all in their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often (especially email). Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/qoOe3ir5iqQ
Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-agaQWl4BGu9bEAh1TbgQ, or on our Facebook page.
Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, email, and math textbook codes.
All class notes can be found on this website. I added links down below in the class notes.

This Week in 6th Grade
We have begun out Geometry unit, specifically focusing on Area of parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids. It can be a tricky unit but covers so many real-world topics and uses much of the math they have learned so far.
What are we learning?: How do you find area? What is the difference between area and perimeter, and how they useful in the real world?
Monday: 9-2 Area of Triangles
Tuesday: 9-3 Area of Trapezoids
Wednesday: 9-5 Polygons on the Coordinate Plane
Thursday: 9-6 Area of Composite Figures
Friday: Area of Triangles Review
This Week in 7th Grade
7th Grade has begun Algebra! This is the math that these guys will do the rest of this year, next year, and the years after that. It may seem rocky this year as these topics are introduced, but by next year they will barely think twice about solving these types of problems.
What are we learning?: How do we simplify expressions?
Monday: 7-2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Tuesday: 7-2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Wednesday: 7-3 Adding Linear Expressions
Thursday: 7-4 Subtract Linear Expressions
Friday: Simplify Algebraic Expressions

This Week in 8th Grade
We are in the last chapter of linear algebra, with a study of how to use what we've learned to solve for two variables. We will learn four different ways to do this along with discussing which one is best. Hint, it depends on the problem.
What are we learning?: How to solve for two variables.
Monday: 6-2 Substitution
Tuesday: 6-3 Elimination
Wednesday: 6-4 Elimination using Multiplication
Thursday: Graphing Linear Inequalities Review/Practice
Friday: 6-6 Systems of Inequalities

8th graders trying to use a Jedi mind trick to force another snow day.

Me, calling for my lost SmartBoard Pen.
Have a great week! ~ Rich Wuebbels

So, you talked throughout the lesson and now your math doesn't math.
Other Reminders:
Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all on the first page of their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often. Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/qoOe3ir5iqQ
IXL grading is a little different from other assignments. A 90% "smart score" in IXL is equivalent to 100% in FastDirect. Anything over a 90% is worth up to one bonus point...they add up so I encourage students to try it (especially on the easier assignments).
Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-agaQWl4BGu9bEAh1TbgQ, or on our Facebook page.
Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, rocket math, email, and math textbook codes.