Middle School Math News
Always free
October 14, 2024

"Whether or not you ever again use the math you learned in school, the act of having learning the math established a wiring in your brain that hadn't existed before, and it's the wiring in your brain that makes you the problem solver.”
IXL questions answered this year so far: 27,922
Upcoming ILS Events
October 16th: Free Dress Day
October 17th: K-8 make-up pictures and 8th grade pictures
October 30th: No School-P/T Conferences 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
October 31st: No School-P/T Conferences 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
November 1st: No School- Teacher PD Day
November 25th-29th: No School-Teacher PD/Thanksgiving Break
Useful Links
Google Classroom
Online Math Book
Church and School Website
Sign up for the Eagle Weekly here.
Join the class Facebook page for Exclusive Content: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilsmath
My You-tube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/warriorwuebbels/featured
Hello 6th - 8th grade families!
1st Quarter is in the books and final grades are submitted. Look for information and sign-ups for parent-teacher conferences coming this week. Math is challenging and I believe I am a challenging teacher. I have to be if kids are going to be truly successful and grow in their problem solving abilities. I call it productive struggle. Many earned A's for the quarter and I want to say that they earned those A's and I'm very proud and impressed with the hard work I see everyday. Middle school age has it's rough waters and these kids are making a choice to meet the academic goals they have set for themselves. Thank you for encouraging them at home. They really are listening to you.
If you're looking for a church home or a place to worship, please join us for our traditional services on Saturdays at 5:00pm, or Sunday at 8:00am, or at our contemporary services on Sundays at 9:30am or 10:30am. I like the 9:30am service myself, and you will usually find me in the back row so feel free to say hi.
Join the iNews: Eagle Weekly email list (will be emailed directly each week)
Other Reminders:
Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all in their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often (especially email). Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/qoOe3ir5iqQ
Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-agaQWl4BGu9bEAh1TbgQ, or on our Facebook page.
Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, email, and math textbook codes.
All class notes can be found on this website. I added links down below in the class notes.
This Week in 6th Grade
We are studying Ratios and Proportional Reasoning. Noticed we are jumping around in the book? I've rearranged the topics this year into a more logical order. We just finished operations with fractions from chapter 4. Without a good knowledge of fractions, ratios will not make any sense. We'll see this throughout the year. We will finish the chapter this week and have our test next week. Ratios and proportions will be the main focus of 6th and 7th grade math.
What are we learning?: How can we compare quantities of numbers and what does it mean?
Monday: 1-6 Equivalent Ratios
Tuesday: 1-7 Ratio Word Problems
Wednesday: Chapter Review
Thursday: Chapter Review
Friday: Chapter Review
This Week in 7th Grade
We will continue our study of exponents and roots.
What are we learning?: How can we write numbers in different ways and why would we want to do that?
Monday: 4-4 Scientific Notation
Tuesday: 4-5 Compute with Scientific Notation
Wednesday: 4-6 Square Roots and Cube Roots
Thursday: 4-6 Square Roots and Irrational Numbers
Friday: Chapter 4 Review

This Week in 8th Grade
We will continue our study of graphing linear functions and learning our first forms. This week we will learn how to find the slope of a line and how to use the slope-intercept formula to graph functions. These are two of the most important and useful lessons in math. We will also study special types of linear functions, and how to graph them.
What are we learning?: How to solve algebraic equations. How can math symbols be useful?
Monday: 3-4 Graphing with Slope-Intercept Form
Tuesday: 3-6 Arithmetic Sequences as Linear Functions
Wednesday: 3-7 Piecewise Functions
Thursday: 3-8 Absolute Value Functions
Friday: Chapter 3 Review

8th graders trying to use the force to make me forget about math finals in December.

Me, calling for my lost SmartBoard Pen.
Have a great week! ~ Rich Wuebbels

So, you talked throughout the lesson and now your math doesn't math.
Other Reminders:
Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all on the first page of their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often. Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/qoOe3ir5iqQ
IXL grading is a little different from other assignments. A 90% "smart score" in IXL is equivalent to 100% in FastDirect. Anything over a 90% is worth up to one bonus point...they add up so I encourage students to try it (especially on the easier assignments).
Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-agaQWl4BGu9bEAh1TbgQ, or on our Facebook page.
Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, rocket math, email, and math textbook codes.